Provided a prop and did a publicity photo shoot for the event.

Replica Sonic Screwdriver
Steven Ricks Tailoring reached out to us in June of 2023 to see if we'd be interested in creating a replica of the 8th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver prop to go alongside the full costume he was making for the Actor Paul McGann to wear to the L.I. Who convention. Naturally we said we would and after getting the official go ahead from the convention's show runner Ken Deep, we set to work making the prop.
As the outfit being made was to be the version from Night of The Doctor/Power of The Doctor, we decided to replicate the prop seen with that costume. Luckily for us the screen used prop had recently been displayed at the Doctor Who Worlds of wonder exhibition which had toured Liverpool and Edinburgh, where we had managed to get a lot of references from it to create an accurate set of plans.
Once the plans were made James Sutton, Terry Poole and Will Ikhasi set about hand machining the prop from scratch, using brass and aluminium like the original.
This new prop was completed in time for the publicity photo shoot taking place on the 18th of July 2023 and It was hand delivered to Paul by James.
Costume Fitting Photo Shoot
What initially was supposed to be merely the final costume fitting quickly turned into an impromptu publicity photo shoot for the event after Steven, Ken and James conceived the idea to set up a photo back drop and lights ready for when Paul had put the full outfit on.
James brought along his camera and took on the role of photographer, having had some amateur experience doing photo shoots with friends in the past.
Paul posed for a variety of photos for about an hour, utilizing a selection of props we'd supplied alongside the sonic screwdriver. These props included a TARDIS key, a Pocket watch, a copy of The Time Machine book, a Dalek Gun and a Dematerialisation circuit.
After the shoot the costume was packed away ready to be flown over to the convention. Our Screwdriver was placed in his boot, ready to be used during the photo shoots at the convention.