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Little Shop Newsletter - Issue 023

Issue 5.png

Josh Martin

19 Jan 2024

A Grey Aztec update, a look at the progress on our Little 14th Tools and an old favourite returns to the store...


Hello and welcome back to the Little Shop Props Weekly Newsletter!

An exciting week here as the first batch of Grey Aztecs headed out into the world, progress on the first batch of Little 14th Tools were made, and a fan favourite returns to the store....

The Week Reviewed

This week we've continued to catch up on orders from the winter break.

Josh M worked on Lalla Tools, Little 14th Tools, Time PDAs and prototyped a new product set for release soon.

Kasim worked tirelessly getting the first 10 Grey Aztecs finished and out into the world, as well as working on getting stands and packaging prepped for the Tri Slider run.

James and Dan worked on researching and developing a line of new products which we're very excited to show off.

Little 14th Tools

We've been working hard on the Little 14th Tools and the first 30 sets of 1:13th Scale orders and the first 8 sets of 1:6th scale orders will head out tomorrow.

We appreciate everyones patience and the amazing reception these have had, we're working hard to get all the orders out as soon as we can.

Grey Aztecs

The first 10 Grey Aztecs have made their way out into the world! We'd like to thank everyone for their patience with these and we're very happy to finally have these going out.

We are already working on getting the next few batches out. Josh M has been working on the tin vinyl done for the next few batches, James has been working on laser cutting the foam, and Kas has been working on assembling the next lot of screwdrivers.

Since photos of the finished props started materialising, we've had a constant stream of requests for a second run, so back by popular demand, the Grey Aztecs are now back in stock on our webstore!

Available for preorder now, this second run of Grey Aztecs is estimated for Autumn release, you can also pay full or half payments.

Paying in full will secure your edition number as soon as you've paid, whereas if you pay in half payments, you will recieve your Edition Number once you've paid the second half.

You can order a Grey Aztec by clicking here!

Josh Martin

© by Little Shop Props LTD
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