Josh Martin
23 Feb 2024
A look at the work on the Tri Slider Aztecs, Resin Stunt MK1s, Little 14th Tools, Crystal McGann Tools, Time Machine Plaques and more!
Hello all and welcome back to the weekly newsletter!
Another productive week, as we work further on Little 14th Tools, Tri Sliders, Jacobi Tools, Resin Stunt Mk1s, Time Machine Plaques and Crystal McGann Tools!
Tri Slider Aztecs

While a lot of our current efforts are focused on getting the Grey Aztecs out and into the world, work does still continue on the Tri Slider Aztecs. We have been working hard on sanding down the filler in the bodies ready for painting. There isn't much left to do in terms of sanding, so once the weather cheers up a bit it will be priming and crackle painting the bodies!
Resin Stunt - Mk1

The remaining Resin Stunt Mk1 orders have been sent out now!
These are still available on our shop for those who would like to get their hands on one!
Little 14th Tools

Work continues on the multitude of Little 14th Tool orders we have. Kasim and Josh M have been printing the orders in order to send to Matthew to paint!
We are getting there and we really appreciate everyones patience with these!
Grey Aztecs

With some minor adjustments made to the foam, work on the Grey Aztecs continues on.

The foam has now reached Kasim ready for the final push on the next batches.

We hope to be sending these out to their respective owners next Monday.
Jacobi Tools

The remaining Jacobi Tool orders were sent out this week as well, they are also still available on our website should you wish to get your hands on one!
Time PDAs

Work on the Time PDAs continues, with the parts nearly all printed. In the next week we will be painting up the parts and laser cutting the required pieces!

Gallifrey One

Whilst not there physically, we were at Gallifrey One in spirit.
A Wayfinder made its way state side, thanks to friend of Little Shop Props, Mr Steven Ricks. This was on loan to him for the event and was made using leftover production castings by James Sutton, who was the lead prop maker on the original.
We also showed up in spirit at the Who Shop Stall, with one of our Baker Tools on display!
Thanks to Aaron Rivin for the photo.

Crystal McGann Tools

We've also been working on the Crystal McGann Tools this week, with the majority of the parts printed and the paint work beginning.

We are also working on getting the sound boards made up for these, as well as the crystals and stands cast up.

Time Machine Plaques

The last of the Time Machine Plaques has been laser cut and painted by James. They shall be sent out next week and are still available on our website if you would like to pick one up in the next batch!

Josh Martin