The Who Shop
Restoring original production made/used pieces and supplying replica parts for a display in their London Museum of Original props and Costumes

The Pandorica Guard Cyberman
In February of 2023 we were approached by the Who Shop in East London to help restore a Cyberman to full glory.
They had won a selection of Screen/Stage/Production Used parts in a Lot that had been Auctioned off by the BBC in November of 2022 for the Charity Children in Need.
Unfortunately during the process of this auctioning, the parts of the Cybermen had become jumbled up, causing particular matching sets of Armour to be broken up and separated across various lots.
The particular one owned by the Who Shop is made up of at least 3 different Cybermen, with parts identified as having come from suits that were used in The Pandorica Opens, Closing Time and the 2011 stage show - Doctor Who Live.
It was decided that the Pandorica Opens chest piece was the most distinctive and instantly recognisable component, so during this restoration we'd be building parts to match that one. However the replica parts would be finished in a Grey Primer colour, instead of fully painted to match the existing parts. This was because they didn't want to detract from the truly original parts, only compliment them.
We sourced a Millennium FX Cyberman head and scanned it into the computer. From there we took it into Blender and digitally sculpted it to match the battle damaged Cyberman seen in the Series 5 finale.
We also utilized references taken in 2017 of the missing components by James Sutton when he was at MFX. Plus reached out to Neill Gorton for help making this Cyberman whole again, and he shared some valuable information about the pieces origins.
Daniel Howard with the assistance of Matthew Woodhouse scanned in James Sutton's hands whilst he wore a pair of gloves to give Kasim Rehman Bhatti a base to sculpt the Cybus style glove details onto.
Josh Martin then printed and completed all the parts, in time for James to deliver them and help fit them to the mannequin with the rest of the costume.
The Cyber Signing Reveal
On March 31st The Who Shop announced their 'Cyber Signing', which was taking place in store on Sat 27th May between 1-3pm. They were joined by Patrick O'Kane who had Ashad/The Lone Cyberman in Series 12 and 13, veteran monster actors Richard Price (Cybermen, Judoon, Kerblam, and more) and Simon Carew (Cybermen, Ood, Judoon and more) who were making their first U.K. Appearance at a signing.
It was at this signing the Shop unveiled their newest Exhibit in their Museum, The newly restored Cyberman we had worked on. The Cybermen Actors all helped with this reveal.